Thailand and Cambodia
Photos were taken with Margo's cell: Moto GPlay 4 with no manipulation. Just point and shoot.
456 Smiling Salesgal, Bangkok Market
459 Bangkok Offerings
469 Marketface, Bangkok
517 Buddha
534 Spiritual Light
586 Sky Blue Profile
592 Sukothai, Thailand
593 Buddha, Sukothai , Thailand
725 Garden Buddha, Thailand
762 Waiting for Monks, Thailand
931 Temple Closeup
988 Approaching Angkor Main
1013 Angkor Main Closeup
1020 Shadow Angkor Main
1045 Banteay Vertical
1048 Banteay Temple Signature
Many thanks to Phil Gallos, Mike Handelsman, Patricia Lane and Ghislaine Levy, and Keith Lambell without whose eyes this gallery would not look so special!